Coppell Senior Pictures by Photographer Lisa McNiel
After communicating with Annie via email and Facebook, I was eager to meet her because she was so quirky and funny in her communiques. I was not surprised to discover she is very intelligent and accomplished. PLUS, the weekend before our photo session, she and her mom traveled to Nashville to run a half-marathon! While there, the cleaning lad at the hotel room said, "it's nice to be important, but it's important to be nice"and she adopted it as her favorite quote." She recently graduated from Coppell High School with honors. Annie was involved in Red Jackets at CHS, babysat and worked at a barbecue place, in addition to being an honor student. "Other than that," she says, "I just hang out and sleep." Her favorite memory is either her "entire Israel Trip or... Any family vacation to the mountains."
I received the sweetest Thank You note from Miss Annie. She is going to Tulane University in New Orleans this Fall. I'm pretty sure she earned a full ride.
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