Natalie signed up for Mother Daughter pictures and in our communication I got a little scared. She was joking about how wild her daughter was, but I didn't know she was joking! Megan was an angel, an absolute doll through the whole shoot, in my home studio and at the park. I didn't want the shoot to be over. :) I'm happy to say I feel like I made a new friend in Natalie through this process and I'm grateful we connected through photography. Follow me on pinterest here: follow me
To see more photos from Flower Mound Photographer Lisa McNiel, me out at here for
Alexis Tipton is a wonderful actress, won UIL awards for Best Actress, played leads in the 5A schools productions. I knew she was talented and I worked with her a a community production so I also knew she was winsome and sweet. I was fond of her and learned that her passion was for Japanese culture, through her father's frequent travels there. Her mom is also a talented and busy actress and costume designer. Together they designed wigs when she was in high school! She is now an Anime voice actress and inspiration for animated characters and I am just giddy about her success! She needed new headshots for her agency, but she is so dern photogenic and purty, we had to do a little more! You can join her Fan club here:Caramel Kisses
Zach has known for a long time that he wanted to be an engineer and he wanted to get his engineering degree at A and M. He applied the very first day of August before his senior year and waited... He waited through marching season with the back-to-back state championship band. He waited while practicing saxaphone, playing in the orchestra for the school musical. He waited and watched and won a spot in the mechanical engineering program in College Station. His mom says he bleeds maroon, and his dad is already wearing A and M shirts.
Girls who love their moms... I am one. I have one. I am always happy to meet one. When I asked if someone could come with Gabby to help with the reflector, she happily replied, "My mom?" They were kind and warm toward each other in a very healthy way during the whole shoot. I see so many kids and parents together in this time of their lives when they want to separate and grow up and every breath their parents take is an embarrassment. Their relationship was sweet to see... Oh yeah, and Gabby is gorgeous!