Be a 2021 Senior Model!
What's it like to be on a Senior Model Team? Would I like it? Would I be awkward? Would I fit in? How much time is required? How much does it cost?
There is no extra charge to be on my Team 2021 (other than the cost of Senior Pictures) and you receive social media size digitals from the Group Sessions.
This is where you find out more:
Follow me on Pinterest here: DallasPhotographer
To see more photos from senior photographer Lisa McNiel, click Dallas-Photographer or follow
DFW-Senior-Photographer on Facebook or Senior Pictures on Instagram.
The Senior Model Program at Lisa McNiel Photography is a way for a small group of the Class of 2021 to experience group styled shoots in different situations, practice their modeling skills before taking Senior Pictures, have fun, create a memory, and receive extra media files through these at no additional cost. When I want to try a new location or have a special opportunity to shoot on location, I draw from this team first.
What are we looking for? Well-groomed Girls and Guys with positive, friendly personalities who are involved in the community, active on social media, and like Lisa McNiel Photography's style and image quality enough to share and promote it personally and on social media in an authentic way. I'd like to represent different sports and activities and schools, but also include friend groups as the energy between them is natural and contagious. I plan to do 3 styled shoots that all my Senior Models will be invited to.
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