I greeted Parvaneh at the door with a thorough butchering of her name. Angela, who I know, laughed, repeating how I said it, "Par-Vahn'- uh." She was sweet and bubbly and said, "It's OK, nobody gets it right at first, it's "Par-vun-A'" like a combination of parmesan and chardonnay." But then I just got hungry. Parvaneh and Angela have been friends since 2nd grade. They grew up down the street from each other, were best friends in high school, college roommates as cheerleaders at UNT, and remain close as they raise their families even though life takes them on different paths at different times.
To see more photos from Flower Mound photographer Lisa McNiel, click Dallas-Photographer or follow a DFW-Senior-Photographer on Facebook.
It’s how you love those whom you surround yourself with, how you delight in other peoples’ success.. it’s spending time with someone, and then leaving them feeling better about themselves.
When do you feel most “comfortable in your skin?” Without a doubt, I’m most comfortable in my skin, running outdoors. Some of my most spiritual moments in time have existed atop the earth and beneath the sun- praying, releasing, thinking…running
What do you like most about being a woman? I love being able to empower other woman.. As we already live in a world that that seemingly feels unjust, chaotic, and superficial at times, being able to re-navigate another woman’s compass is powerful, especially when the outcome leaves her stronger and more passionate about her identity.
Tell me your story… I was born in Tarrant County, and reared in Irving Texas. I am a product of Irving, Tx schools where I attended K-12. As friendships began to materialize, I always felt like the true black sheep, when in the company of my girlfriends. My father is Persian, thus were/are his beliefs and customs. Consequently, I wasn’t allowed access to the numerous affairs and events for which surface(d) in the lives of teenagers. Ironically so, I often find my parenting skills mirroring my father’s - (I think we all can identify). After graduation, I moved to Denton where I received a B.S. in Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of North Texas. This May 2016, I will have completed my 20th year in Education.
What do you think was the biggest turning point in your life? One day, I awoke and realized that I had lost myself. Looking back, I realized that for some, one may lose themselves in order to find the true reason for their existence. Everyone’s life tells a different story, but in the end, we all want to achieve the same: happiness, peace and balance. I firmly believe that every person is born with an expiration date, and not one hour longer, will someone be allowed to breathe...
To thine own self be true… Thank you , Mother♥
Please finish the statement. I am the person who… always devours my mother’s brownies, even after saying, “I’ll have just one.”
Below is a photo of Parvaneh and Angela now, and in high school.
To see more photos from Flower Mound photographer Lisa McNiel, click Dallas-Photographer or follow a DFW-Senior-Photographer on Facebook.
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