Saturday, March 7, 2020

Is it Too Late to get Senior Pictures? - Yes and No by Dallas Photographer Lisa McNiel

pretty teen girl in red dress backlit

Lillian's mom called me in the busiest month I think I've ever had. I only schedule two photoshoots a week because I spend time planning, preparing, talking to clients, culling and editing photos, doing Viewing and Ordering sessions, designing albums, ordering product, etc. etc. In April of this year, more than twice the number of high school seniors and their moms contacted me to do photos than I had space for.

One mom asked me to put her on a cancellation list and I did. When I had a client who accidentally booked two dates, I gave her a call, hoping she hadn't booked somewhere else yet because I like the girls and moms who had recommended me to her, and I've learned that's a good sign!

We did her photos and it was just such a fun, sunny session. I loved their adventurous attitude.

Follow me on Pinterest here: DallasPhotographer 
To see more photos from senior photographer Lisa McNiel, click Dallas-Photographer or follow 
DFW-Senior-Photographer on Facebook or Senior Pictures on Instagram.

pretty teen girl in yellow top and jeans posing on yellow stripes in street

Here is the "YES" and the "NO" to that question.


When you're 40 years old, I can't get good Senior pics of you, no matter what shape you're in and how much you've stayed out of the sun. I can get great "Rocking Life at 40" photos, and that is truly what you want and need at that point. But the ship has sailed on senior photos.

Also, if you book the following Summer or even during college, you obviously won't be using those pictures on your Announcements or Thank you cards, if that's all you wanted them for. My kids' senior albums and canvas wraps will be on my walls and coffee table for as long as I can picture because it's so much more than that.


So what if you missed the 3 week deadline for ordering announcements before graduation. In this age of the internet, the timing doesn't matter as much as getting it done! Having said that... Why Are You Booking So Late? Please book your photos in the Summer or Fall before your senior year. You aren't going to look that different, and you won't be any less busy in a few months. If you book early enough you'll be able to use some professional photos in your yearbook ad before the deadline, and you'll have the whole thing crossed off your To-Do list.

pretty teen with long blond hair and retro outfit sunglasses urban

pretty teen blond girl with hat and yellow shirt by flowers and one way sign

pretty blond girl in prom dress by lake at sunset

teen girl with blond hair in red dress backlit

pretty teen girl in red dress urban setting

pretty blond teen in red dress with white hat

pretty teen blond girl in red dress

pretty teen blond girl in red dress with different poses

pretty blond teen in red dress and cap and gown Texas photographer

pretty teen girl in blue polka dot retro dress and sunglasses

pretty teen girl in blue polka dot retro dress and sunglasses

pretty teen girl in blue polka dot retro dress and sunglasses

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