I asked him about it, and I got such an animated response that I started taking pictures of him talking.
Evidently, he wanted to get one last prank on his favorite teacher who has a habit of spraying air deodorizer, so he and a buddy went and got doe urine and filled the sprayer with it. He sadly learned that it was not strong enough to make the difference he was going for. So he went back to Bass Pro and asked for something stronger. "How about skunk?" they suggested.
Oh yes, he filled it with skunk smell the second time, which just happened to cooincide with a big big day for the school, a celebration of a 4-peat state championship for the soccer team, complete with the mayor of Grapevine and the school president attending.
Chase plays golf, does Tai Kwon Do, and skeet shoots when he is not making his friends laugh. Here are his senior pictures!

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To see more photos from Flower Mound photographer Lisa McNiel, check me out at here for www.Lisa-Marie-Photography.com or follow me here on Facebook.

Chase posing with the "Do not climb, stand or sit" sign.

I feel like this may not be the first time Chase said something that elicited a reaction like this from his mother.

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To see more photos from Flower Mound photographer Lisa McNiel, check me out at here for www.Lisa-Marie-Photography.com or follow me here on Facebook.
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