This Flower Mound Marcus Senior wants to be a radiologist. She "love, love, loves to read." Her style of clothing she describes at "I do what I want" thing. LOL! She lifeguards at the Natatorium, and has a serious boyfriend she wanted to send pictures with as he goes off to serve his country in the armed forces. Liz's favorite quote is, "For life is no paragraph
and death, I think, is no parenthesis." She has two favorite memories... one of going on an oasis cruise Spring Break of her Sophomore year, and the other is going to State for swimming competition the same
year. Her favorite song right now is "Let it Go" from "Frozen" because, as she says, she's basically a seven year old.
What 17-year-old boy you know quotes Mark Twain about kindness? Marcus High School golfer, Carter Koen, won district as an individual and with his team, and then to regionals, and state. He is in student council, take AP classes, and is the Vice President of the English Honor Society. He is headed to Missouri University to study biochemistry and pre-medicine. His favorite memory is winning the District 5A Golf Championship this year with his mom and dad there cheering him on. With all of those accomplishments, Carter is not swelling up with pride. Instead, his favorite quote is, "Kindness is the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear." - Mark Twain. It was a pleasure to be part of his senior year and document this time in his life!
Alex Nasche wants to be an accountant. I am so glad there are people in this world who get all of that left brain logical thinking and can make sense of it! She loves animals and works at a Vet's office. She thinks her determination is her best personality trait, but has a fun-loving streak. Her favorite quote is "Life is short. Get the Shoes," and "Stars can't shine without the darkness." Her favorite memory is her junior year prom, and she looked like a princess at her prom this year in her gorgeous white prom dress! She is headed to Oklahoma State University to join her boyfriend of three years, and I may be a teensy worried about her mom and she is an only child and it will probably be very quiet around the house when Alex leaves!
Chase was voted Class Comedian by his classmates at Grapevine Faith Christian, and I can see why... Everything he says seems like a joke and makes me laugh. While he was changing him mom, Geri, told me about some unfortunate timing of his latest prank. I asked him about it, and I got such an animated response that I started taking pictures of him talking. Evidently, he wanted to get one last prank on his favorite teacher who has a habit of spraying air deodorizer, so he and a buddy went and got doe urine and filled the sprayer with it. He sadly learned that it was not strong enough to make the difference he was going for. So he went back to Bass Pro and asked for something stronger. "How about skunk?" they suggested. Oh yes, he filled it with skunk smell the second time, which just happened to cooincide with a big big day for the school, a celebration of a 4-peat state championship for the soccer team, complete with the mayor of Grapevine and the school president attending. Chase plays golf, does Tai Kwon Do, and skeet shoots when he is not making his friends laugh. Here are his senior pictures!