My parents hired a man to come take pictures of our family. We had never had professional photos done... other than for the church directory or maybe at the ubiquitous Olan Mills Studio (cue hand on shoulder).
Today, I was trying to figure out why my parents chose that year to have family portraits made. Why then of all times? I called my folks. They couldn't remember why. I looked at how old we were. My oldest sister was in her second year of college. My middle sister was a senior and a had a few taken in her purple and gold cheerleader uniform. (Go Hornets!)
Then I realized that these Spring pictures were taken the Summer before my oldest sister got married and the family changed forever.
We all loved her fiance and were happy to welcome him into our family, but I think... subconsciously, they wanted to mark the end of an era. The Berwick family as Five. I believe in that old notion of marking the day. Remembering. Change is sometimes so good, but the past deserves to be preserved, noted, celebrated.
I took these pictures of the Carter family last Summer. Since then both of their sons have gotten engaged, the younger to my daughter. :-) I'm smiling and misty-eyed at the thought of families growing and changing. I think I'll schedule a Family Portrait session for the McNiels this year, before my daughter happily becomes a Carter.
This is a series from my first pictures forward. Please check my website at for more photos and information or click here to like my Facebook page.
Remember the past.
Create the present.
Preserve for the future.
To see more family photos, or senior pictures, bridal, children, engagement and wedding, here is my site
or on Facebook here.
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