I asked for pictures of them growing up to make a slideshow for their wedding. When it was done, I was crying. Halloween costumes, football games, proms, trips to the zoo, Thanksgiving dinner with the family, a Christmas engagement. Two lives blending and I get to be a little part of it.
Katherine is darling... and calm... and easy and sweet. She spoiled me. We did her bridal pictures inside for awhile and then ventured into the heat. My daughter was helping me and spotted a white 1949 Chevy for sale. On our way home we stopped and asked the owner if we could take some photos in it. His dog played along. Drivers were honking as they passed, at the beautiful bride posing in the old white Chevy. Every time I pass that spot I tell that story, if not to the people in the car, at least in my mind. The memory of a beautiful bride in white posing with a coke and a dog in a vintage Chevrolet and the shared experience of those who passed by calling out and honking. (Smile)
This is from my first photos forward, for more pictures and info, check www.Lisa-Marie-Photography.com
or here for Facebook.

And here is the slideshow:
Remember the past.
Create the present.
Preserve for the future.
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